
Reza Akhavian, Ph.D.
Current Members:

Farid Shahnavaz
Graduate Student
Workers’ Activity and Intent Recognition for Adaptive Worker-Robot Interaction

Zainab Afzali Kusha
Graduate Student
Evaluation of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-related Drivers’ Distraction Using Eye Tracker Data and EEG Signals

Mani Amani
Graduate Student
Adaptive Human Activity Recognition for Worker-Robot Collaboration in Construction

Alexa North
Undergraduate Student
Trust in Construction Technology Adoption

Blake Furby
Undergraduate Student
Evaluation of Advanced Reality Capture Technologies in Construction

Shuchi Shah
Graduate Student
Generative AI
Former Members:

Newsha Emaminejad
Graduate Student
Trustworthy AI and Robotics for Construction Applications

Sahand Fathi
Graduate Student
An Adaptive Approach towards Workers’ Safety in Worker-Robot Interaction

Josh Van Doren
Undergraduate Student
Employing Advanced Programming Techniques to Optimize the performance, intelligence, and autonomous capabilities of Esteemed Husky Robotic Platform, Shaping the forefront of robotics innovation

Riley Tavassoli
Graduate Student
Building machine learning models for human-robot interaction
- Xiaochen (Shally) Li
- Binh Pham
- Ken Daplas
- Carlos Hernandez
- Trevor Slaton (Currently a Software Engineer at Apple)
- Aarathi Sankar
- Phuong Nguyen (Currently a Postdoc at the University of Alberta)
- Munahil Murrieum (Currently a Software Engineer at Walmart Global Tech)
- Patrick Brittle (Currently an Assistant Professor at California State University, Chico) [co-advised by Dr. Gaedicke]
- Shahrzad Mansouri (Currently a Project Manager at CM Squared)
- Aryo Faghih (Currently an Associate Project Manager at VMware)
- Zohair Hasan Lateef (Currently a Senior VDC Engineer at Tesla)
- Divya Khattar (Currently a Project Manager at DPR Construction)
- Amjad Fayomi (Currently a BIM Engineer at Sanveo)
- Zhidong Li (Currently an Assistant Superintendent at Pilot Construction Management)
- Shahin Jahanbanifar (Currently a Field Engineer at MEG Underground)
- Varshini Venkatesh (Currently a BIM Construction Engineer at Sanveo)
- Puneet Kaur (Currently a Project Manager at Intel)
- Ali Arabshahi (Currently a Project Manager at Redgwick Construction)
- Yao Cui
Copyright © Reza Akhavian – 2022
This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by author(s) or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author’s copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.